Tuesday, July 3, 2012

erlang registering and monitoring global processes

Please note, the shell command numbers may not be in order as I put this together in a hurry.

% start up an erlang node
 erl -sname a -setcookie qwerty

%% create a new process which echos back anything it receives
(a@philipclarkeirl-desktop)1> Pid = spawn(fun() -> receive {Sender, Msg} -> Sender ! Msg end end).

%% test it out
(a@philipclarkeirl-desktop)2> Pid ! {self(), "Hello"}.

%% globally register the process
 (a@philipclarkeirl-desktop)3> global:register_name(myprocess, Pid).

%% check it is registered
(a@philipclarkeirl-desktop)4> global:registered_names().

(a@philipclarkeirl-desktop)6> global:whereis_name(myprocess) =:= Pid.

%% send to myprocess a message
(a@philipclarkeirl-desktop)7> global:send(myprocess, {self(), "Hello from shell"}).

%% note the return value is the pid found for myprocess

%% check in the shell that we received a response
(a@philipclarkeirl-desktop)8> flush().
Shell got "Hello from shell"

%% start up another node
erl -sname b -setcookie qwerty

%% check that the process is globally registered
(b@philipclarkeirl-desktop)3> global:registered_names().

%% monitor the process started in node a
(b@philipclarkeirl-desktop)11> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, global:whereis_name(myprocess)).

%% in node a, kill the process
(a@philipclarkeirl-desktop)33> exit(Pid, kill).

%% in node b
(b@philipclarkeirl-desktop)12> flush().
Shell got {'DOWN',#Ref<>,process,<5799.85.0>,killed}

1 comment:

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